Business Name: Whispering Pines Veterinary Services, LLC
Contact 1: Carrie Miller
Address: 202 West Pine St Grove City, PA 16127
Phone: 724-458-4403
Business Name: Whispering Pines Veterinary Services, LLC
Contact 1: Carrie Miller
Address: 202 West Pine St Grove City, PA 16127
Phone: 724-458-4403
Business Name: Van Dyke Embryo Transfer
Contact 1: Dr. Todd Van Dyke, DVM
Address: 4994 Sandy Lake-Greenville Rd Sandy Lake, PA 16145
Phone: (724) 475-2299
Fax: (724) 475-4956
Products and Services: Certified for embryo export.
Business Name: Slippery Rock Veterinary Hospital
Contact 1: Dr. Paul J. Suorsa
Contact 2: Dr. Daniel Suorsa
Address: 131 Branchton Rd Slippery Rock, PA 16057
Phone: (724) 794-8545
Best time to call: 8:00AM-5:00PM
Fax: (724) 794-1104
Products and Services: Veterinary services - small animal, farm dogs, cats and pets
Business Name: Sandy Lake Veterinary Service
Contact 1: John Ivancic, V.M.D.
Address: PO Box 615, 5445 Sandy Lake-Polk Rd. Sandy Lake, PA 16145
Phone: (724) 376-3141 or toll free 1-888-414-3590
Fax: (724) 376-3181 or (724) 794-1104
Products and Services: Farm animal medicine and surgery. Hydraulic foot trimming chute. Portable squeeze chute. In clinic mastitis culturing and sensitivity testing. Dairy ration formulation and evaluation.
Business Name: Orchard Creek Veterinary Hospital
Contact 1: David J. Parris, D.V.M.
Address: 999 E Main Street Ext Grove City, PA 16127
Phone: (724) 735-2252
Best time to call: 9:00AM-5:00PM
Fax: (724) 735-4577
Products and Services: Veterinary services- small animal
Business Name: New Wilmington Veterinary Service
Contact 1: Dr. Vanessa Philson, DVM
Address: 129 W Neshanock Ave Suite A New Wilmington, PA 16134
Phone: 724-946-2912
Business Name: Grove City Veterinary Clinic
Contact 1: Deborah Wagner, D.V.M.
Address: 218 Oak St Grove City, PA 16127
Phone: (724) 458-0750
Fax: (724) 458-4904
Products and Services: Full service small animal veterinary care, veterinary supervised pet boarding
# of employees: 14
Business Name: Greenville Veterinary Clinic
Contact 1: Dean E. Eichstadt, D.V.M.
Contact 2: Tammy Clark, D.V.M.
Address: 409 E. Jamestown Rd Greenville, PA 16125
Phone: (724) 588-5260
Best time to call: Monday & Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Products and Services: Full service small and large animal veterinary care
Business Name: Greener Pastures Veterinary Service, Inc.
Address: 16257 US Hwy 6 & 19 Saegertown, PA 16316
Phone: (814) 333-4241
Best time to call: 8:00AM-4:00PM
Fax: (814) 382-6059
Products and Services: On farm veterinary service, 5 person large animal practice.
Business Name: David V. Medic, D.V.M.
Contact 1: David V. Medic, D.V.M.
Address: 434 Small Road Clark Mills, PA 16114
Phone: (724) 253-4186
Best time to call: Evenings or 7:00-8:00AM
Products and Services: Large animal practice only. Primarily dairy cattle but also beef, horses, swine, small ruminants.