Auctions and Auctioneers

New Wilmington Livestock Auction, Inc

Business Name: New Wilmington Livestock Auction, Inc

Address: 2006 Mercer-New Wilmington Rd New Wilmington, PA 16142

Phone: (800) 872-0222

Best time to call: Monday


Products and Services: Livestock Sale every Monday - 12:30PM; Hay, straw, and grain sale every Friday - 12:00PM; Feeder pig sale first and third Friday- 7:30PM; In service to the farming community since 1946. Dairy sale 2nd Monday of each month at 12:30PM in new building.

Mercer Livestock Auction, Inc.

Business Name: Mercer Livestock Auction, Inc.

Contact 1: Patricia Loomis

Contact 2: Rod, Justin & Trish Loomis

Address: Rt 19 - Mercer Corp Office - 25 Exe Ct West Middlesex, PA 16159

Phone: (800) 685-7552

Best time to call: Day


Products and Services: Livestock auctions every Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. Check in Mondays 9:00a.m. till 9:00 p.m. for Tuesdays auction. Western Pennsylvanias largest fat and feeder cattle market. Special feeder and dairy cattle first Tuesday of the month, dairy heifers second Tue

# of employees: 15-20

C. Sherman Allen Auctioneer and Associates

Business Name: C. Sherman Allen Auctioneer and Associates

Contact 1: C. Sherman Allen

Address: 11357 State Highway 285 Conneaut Lake, PA 16316

Phone: (814) 382-2922, (800) 282-2922

Best time to call: Anytime

Fax: (814) 382-2923



Products and Services: Selling real and personal property the auction way. A complete computerized auction service. Marketing, consulting and appraisal services.# of employees:1 full time, others as needed